Why do our clients choose Mirador ?

They know we invest alongside them.
Our advisors have the majority of their liquid assets invested in our firm’s strategies. The same ones we offer to clients.

We regularly communicate.
Our team prides itself on our frequent, candid communication, regardless of market conditions.
We proactively share our thoughts and we place great importance on being accessible.

They want to work with a Fiduciary.
Our clients know that our primary responsibility is to act in their best interest.

We provide fee-only advice.
Unlike traditional investment firms that generate fees through commissions, our clients pay only for our advice.

We actively manage.
Our team does rigorous research before making recommendations to our Investment Committee. We’re always evaluating our positioning, so clients are able to succeed in both up and down markets.

We do our own research.
We keep our clients informed through regular videos, emails, and blog posts.